High-Impact Careers

Over the course of your life, you will spend about 80,000 hours working in your career. It’s one of the biggest uses of your time, and therefore, one of the greatest ways that you can make an impact.

EA NYC Job Board

The EA NYC job board is currently not being tailored for the highest impact opportunities in NY. However, if you were planning on using 80,000 Hours Job Board filtered for NY and/or global/US-based remote jobs anyway, you can find those pre-filtered conditions below:

Careers are complicated. Trying to find a fulfilling career, while also making the greatest impact you can, is even more complicated. Fortunately, there are a lot of resources to help. Here are some ways to achieve that right here in NYC.

80,000 Hours is an effective altruist organization providing research and support to help people switch into careers tackling the world’s most pressing problems. They provide lots of freely available research on a number of high-impact careers, through their career guide, key ideas series, podcast, job board, problem profiles, and career reviews. Their work is probably the first best step for exploring the different problems you might be able to work on with your career, and for thinking about how to find your best fit.

There are also a number of other resources that may be helpful:

  • For University students: if you are working on a thesis of any kind, you can get ideas and mentoring from Effective Thesis. The EA internship board lists high-impact opportunities for students, and even provides funding for unpaid internships!

  • Animal Advocacy Careers provides advising calls and an online course for people looking to work on animal welfare with their careers. They also have their own job board, and profiles on top careers and skills.

  • Magnify Mentoring (formerly WANBAM) supports, inspires, and connects a global community of people who are motivated to have a positive impact with their careers and lives through mentorship programs.

  • SuccessIf currently offers career advising for professionals with 5+ years of experience, and Probably Good offers a high-impact career guide independent from 80,000 Hours.

We are also happy to chat about your career - sign up for a 1-1 chat with an EA NYC organizer if you're interested. A career chat will be most useful if you're already familiar with some basic EA concepts and have done some thinking about your interests and options. We recommend you read the key ideas series on 80,000 Hours before having a career chat with us so that we can keep the conversation focused and be most helpful to you!

Other EA job boards:

These job boards list the most high-impact opportunities that we know of! (But please note that even these roles may have a significant range of expected impact depending on various factors. User discretion is always encouraged!)

  • 80000 Hours has a job board with many high-impact roles, especially those at EA organizations; you can filter them to only see NYC-based and remote opportunities.

  • The EA internships board lists opportunities for undergraduates, and provides funding for unpaid internships.

  • Animal Advocacy Careers maintains a job board of roles at highly impact-focused animal advocacy nonprofits.

  • Good Food Institute's Alt Protein career center and Tälist’s job board list high-impact job opportunities in creating alternative proteins to farmed animals.

  • When in doubt and looking for more opportunities, there's the EA Job Postings Facebook Group.

Further resources:

These job boards list roles with a wider range of expected impact, so make sure to use your judgement to find the most high-impact opportunities.

  • Tom Wein has a meta-list of high-impact job boards.

  • Climate Base has a large list of jobs related to climate change, and you can filter to see NYC-based and remote opportunities.

  • Impactful is a student-led group that finds tech jobs in the social impact space

  • Finally, if you know of any opportunities that we've missed on our board, please share them with us!

Last updated: August, 2022