A Guide to Visiting New York City
and EA NYC
New York City is comprised of five boroughs: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, and Staten Island. There are also several areas immediately outside of the city that are very accessible by public transit, such as Jersey City and New Jersey’s suburbs, suburbs on Long Island, parts of the state of Connecticut, and the New York State suburbs of Westchester county. Each of these areas is made up of many smaller neighborhoods, which vary dramatically in demographics, building styles, and culture.
The NYC EA community is very spread out and includes people in all of these areas, and sometimes beyond. EA NYC typically hosts events in Manhattan (and occasionally Brooklyn) because it is central and accessible by public transit. Many visitors choose to stay in either Manhattan or Brooklyn for this reason. -
EA NYC is an active community of people working on various causes part-time, full-time, and on a voluntary basis. You can join us at our weekly coworking sessions or message others to find coworking partners for the day - all coordinated through our Slack’s #coworking channel
In the future, we hope to have a dedicated office space accessible to the NY EA community and visitors.
Present for EA NYC
Come speak for us!
EA NYC is home to a broad community of many diverse philanthropic and intellectual interests. We routinely host presentations from nonprofit leaders, researchers, philanthropists, and others. We are particularly interested in programming that shares important problems within a field and engages our community in ways to help.
Please fill out this brief survey if you would be happy to volunteer to present for us!
Exploring the city
There’s something for everyone in New York! Whether you’re into museums, theater, nature, dancing, music, history, or anything else, our community has recommendations! Join our Slack to find like-minded locals during your stay.
If you’re visiting for just a short trip, there are plenty of options for making your stay as affordable as possible! In addition to hostels in Queens and Brooklyn (recommendation: the Local), some members of the community occasionally offer spare room for visiting guests. You can connect through #housing in our Slack or connect with our team for more info!
Connect with NYC EAs
EA NYC hosts weekly events, which are a great way to meet local and visiting EAs. These events typically run between one and four hours and depending on the day, attendees often stick around afterward to grab a meal or drink together.
There are also many informal events and locals who might be available to meet you during your time in NYC. We encourage visitors to join the EA NYC Slack, post an intro in the #general_discussion channel, and check out the #casual_plans to coordinate! You can also reach out to the EA NYC team and we may be able to connect you directly with others who share your interests.