Cause Area Subcommunities
For those already familiar with effective altruism and significantly involved in a particular cause area, subgroups provide a platform for deeper engagement and collaboration with others with similar aims and expertise. If you are unsure if a subgroup is a good fit for you, we encourage you to still fill out the interest form and get in touch with a member of the EA NYC team. You can also find our profession-based subgroups here!
Effective Animal Advocacy (EAA)
The EAA subgroup focuses on animal welfare through an EA lens, with an emphasis on EA-aligned strategies for improving the wellbeing of farmed and wild animals. This group is open to students, professionals, and community members with a deep interest in non-human animal welfare; there is also a Professional Effective Animal Advocacy group for career advocates.
Effective Environmentalism
The EE subgroup focuses on using evidence and careful analysis to find the most effective interventions for fighting climate change. Current members include researchers, professors, and nonprofit leaders working to add evidence-backed approaches to climate action.
Artificial Intelligence
The AI subgroup is a space for those already familiar with effective altruism and focused professionally or academically in the areas of AI safety, AI alignment, and/or digital minds and sentience. Members include ML researchers, philosophers, computer scientists, and more.
Global Health and Wellbeing
The Global Health and Wellbeing subgroup is a space for those interested in or working on global poverty, development, and/or wellbeing. Members include economists, philanthropists, and entrepreneurs.
Global Catastrophic Risks
The Global Catastrophic Risks (GCR) subgroup is a space for those focused on reducing risks such as pandemics, nuclear weapons use, info hazards, and so on. Membership could include academics, policy advocates, philanthropists, and more.