Professional Subcommunities

For those already familiar with effective altruism and significantly involved in a particular professional niche, subgroups provide a platform for deeper engagement and collaboration with others with similar aims and expertise. If you are unsure if a subgroup is a good fit for you, we encourage you to still fill out the interest form and get in touch with a member of the EA NYC team. You can also find our cause area-specific subgroups here!

  • a resting chicken

    Effective Animal Advocacy (EAA)

    The Professional EAA subgroup focuses on animal welfare through an EA lens, with an emphasis on EA-aligned strategies for improving the wellbeing of farmed and wild animals. This group is open to professionals who already work significantly in effective animal advocacy; there is also an Open Effective Animal Advocacy cause area group for interested community members.

  • Finance


    Whether earning-to-give, building career capital, or launching EA-aligned initiatives, many EA NYC community members work in finance and are working to unite their career with their effective altruism aims. The finance subgroup is the place to connect with others in the profession, share ideas, and seek advice.

  • Law

    The legal subgroup is a space for attorneys, paralegals, and law students already familiar with effective altruism. The legal profession offers a variety of ways to make an impact through direct work and donations. Fill out the form below to connect with others in the profession!

  • Helping Professions

    For teachers, therapists, social workers, healthcare workers, and other professionals who support people! This subgroup will provide a space to connect about day jobs (or not!) and allow for some mutual moral support for those in altruistically-focused careers.

  • University building


    The EA NYC Academia Subgroup is for the many professional researchers and academics in NY who have an interest in effective altruism. The group currently has a bias toward research and is open to PhD and post-doctoral students, researchers, and faculty.

  • business people look at a computer


    The EA NYC Consultant Subgroup is for those familiar with effective altruism and working as professional consultants, the subgroup can become a space for two unique cultures to intersect - right here in New York! Consultants are also encouraged to subscribe to the global EA Consulting Network's newsletter!

  • photographer in NYC

    Creatives and Communicators

    The Creatives & Communicators subgroup is a space for those focused professionally or academically in the areas of art (visual, linguistic, musical, etc.) and communications (writing, marketing, journalism, etc.). The group may also evolve over time to cater to more niche audiences.

  • computer with lines of code

    Data & Tech

    The Data & Tech subgroup serves those who are focused professionally or academically in the areas of computer/data science, programming, software engineering, etc. Digital designers may be interested in the Creatives & Communicators Subgroup, and Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning experts may be interested in the AI Subgroup!